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Meet the Goblins at Sandyman Productions, manufacturers of dreams.  Tour the factory with foreman Snorman, and his assistant Warty Finks; see where the music, words and costumes are created.  But all is not running like a dream - morale is low, customer satisfaction is down, and Snorman is determined to find out why.

When poor, downtrodden Finks' pet creature jumps into Snorman's coffee, she gains some control of him.  Attempting to change the normal staid course of dreams, Finks succeeds at first... but soon the dreams take on a life of their own and turn into nightmares.  The goblins must try and get everything back on track before upper management arrives, but it all gets harder when Snorman's evil twin also appears on the scene.

Adults will especially appreciate the bureaucracy of the dream office, and its middle-management who "decide what the people below me must do to please the people above me!"  There is plenty of humour; the jokes and clever raps will appeal to all.  The unappreciated Finks in particular is appealingly cheeky, and children will enjoy her troublesome nature. 

The fast-paced physical comedy creates a visually appealing show, with a suitably dreamlike flow.  I thought the tour of the factory was a very clever way to introduce the characters and set the scene, but sadly, the ending is less satisfactory.  And, while there are plenty of gags, some were lost to fast or unclear dialogue one the day I attended.

Still, the cast maintain a high level of energy and put in a slick performance throughout.  This is an interesting take on the question of where dreams and nightmares come from - and overall, a fun, fast comedy, with plenty of appeal for adults as well as children.