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Two people sitting on a bench. Is it fate? Or merely a coincidence? These two characters have been eating lunch on the same bench for years, just never before at the same time. Somehow they know each other, and this sparks a conversation sharing stories of amazing good fortune as well as exploring the nature of bad luck.

I’ve always been interested in the idea of destiny, and whether things happen for a reason. In that sense I can relate more towards William, a man who is determined that he’s had a fateful meeting with Veronica – even though she believes it is nothing but chance. The two begin a sort of debate on the subject, leading into a series of anecdotes filled with absurd happenings and physical theatre.

The stories are perfectly delivered, and the young cast do well in evoking a series of diverse narrators. Even given the short time each storyteller was on stage, no two were the same, and there was also great variety in the stories they told. From missing kangaroos to a bourbon biscuit, the cast was able to keep it entertaining for the audience.

And despite the simplicity of the concept, there is a nice complexity in their use of physical theatre. Like fate itself, everything is connected and flows with ease; it makes great use of their space, and is simply nice to look at. I especially enjoyed the story of young Isaac, who was brought to life with puppetry. This particular narrative really stood out through its physicality, and illustrated how well the cast work well together.

There were, however, times when I found the movement distracted me from the stories. While some of the imagery nicely complimented the anecdotes, I often found myself more interested in the physical theatre happening at the side. This was principally a problem when multiple stories were happening at once, and I must admit I got a bit lost at times. I was hoping that these fractured narratives would be linked somehow – but despite the fact they stood unrelated, they still managed to draw a few laughs at the absurdity of it all.

All Might Seem Good is an entertaining show, filled with strange coincidences and miraculous tales of luck. This talented young group present a well-paced and entertaining series of happenings, filled with activity and delivering well-narrated stories. Despite the few points of distraction on stage, they succeed in making an interesting show with an insight into questions of fate and destiny.