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This year, Imran Yusuf brings us a reworked version of what he did last year - with bits taken out and bits added in, he tells us. In many ways this show reminds me more of a very funny TED talk than stand-up; this is comedy with intention.  He wants to make the world a better place, but not before he's made fun of a guy in the front row wearing what looks like a Christmas jumper on a hot summer's evening.

Yusuf informs us that he's often advised not to talk too much about being a Muslim, presumably on the basis that this seemingly infinite topic may become predictable or overly repetitive. But, while I totally agree that hack material or overdoing a single subject should be avoided, the number of high-profile comedians discussing Islam - or any other religion for that matter - from a practising perspective is minuscule, at least compared to all the big names talking about dating, social media, trashy TV programmes, being single and the rest.

Yusuf offers us perspective on something many of the general public may have little or no insight into. To talk about religion in a way that is supportive and positive (yet funny) is unusual in comedy, and to be open about faith - particularly in the current climate - is a bold comic choice. So this section of his material was my favourite of the show, and most notably, a refreshing change from other recurring topics this Fringe.

A few elements were unfortunately against him on this night - he initially arrived on stage to find there was no microphone, and his audience was a little flat. He also tells a good number of niche gags, many of which were lost on this particular audience (some of them I gathered were about gaming; others I didn't understand at all, but I think they were probably very funny if you did). A few times Yusuf had to explain his jokes and I thought I detected a hint of frustration that we weren't on his wavelength. At other times, though, his delivery was often so deadpan that there seemed to be some confusion as to whether he was actually serious and - especially during his edgier material - whether it was OK to laugh.

Super Roar of the Underdog Turbo X: HD Remix was thought provoking and challenging; perhaps not packed with as many laughs or as showbizzy as other shows, but the material and ideas are interesting, brave, and involving.