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First impressions suggest that Luke Graves is disappointed, irritated, or has lost interest in his show. Perhaps he's none of these things or perhaps he's a little of all three, but I was slightly annoyed by his numerous references to the lack of numbers in his audience, a comment about less-than-glowing reviews, and initial moans that those who had come had chosen not to sit at the front. All in all, the first few minutes of the show left me feeling like I might be in for a tedious hour. And that’s a pity – because despite sometimes coming across like he doesn't really care (which may just be a laid-back style gone slightly too far), Luke Graves is actually very funny.

Where Graves really scores is in his relationship with the audience. He spoke to us all individually, and his responses during these moments of banter were quick, witty, and plenty of fun. The numbers may have been fewer than he hoped, but there was a large amount of regular laughter generated by everyone there – and any awkwardness that may have been present soon melted in the warmth of his easy-going style. His jokes and repartee engaged me and, with plenty of good laughs and a sweet ending, it was an entertaining show.

The subject matter isn't the most original (the progression of his relationship into engagement), but the jokes and delivery are strong, and the relatively elaborate call back he uses at the end is particularly surprising and enjoyable. Graves’ ability to draw laughs off the cuff reduces the emphasis on his pre-written material in any case. It's all neatly augmented with some visual aids, making his tales all the more real with relevant photos, appropriate props and mini home movies.

These all make for nice personal touches, as is his commendable offer of a money-back guarantee of enjoyment on this show. Graves reassures us that no one has yet requested this, and it’s easy to see why not; while there's room for improvement, I can certainly say I enjoyed Living Luke.