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Questing Vole Productions deserve to be congratulated. Not only have they landed one of the longest titles in the Fringe programme, their play is rubbish. And that's exactly as it's meant to be.

Right from the start, it's breaking rules: we open with a few polite words from the 'director' Chris, played by Jack Blackburn. It quickly becomes clear that the play will not proceed in the usual fashion, as their farce sees more and more calamity arrive.

The premise is that a gang of amateurs are putting on their dream Shakespearian play, when the sudden death of 'Ambrosio' – right on the stage – kicks off a series of ever more crazy "the show must go on" moments.

Most of the action is driven along by the shouty director Chris, who constantly urges scene cuts, lighting changes, floor re-arrangements, and prop switches – alongside other improvisations and re-writes. Chris repeatedly barks his orders and intervenes in any way he can, to save his beloved Bard from the mockery that they are making of this sacred script.

This is not high art – even the original play they are enacting isn't real – but it is amusing. The lines are all made to sound convincingly Shakespearian, and the story elements are the staple of many real works. All is usually well that ends well, and so it is here: don't expect any real Shakespeare, just go and have some fun.