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With Victorian clothing and a lack of wifi, The Isle of Muck is a drama set to make you reflect on your own use of social media. The Bluetooth Kevin Theatre company presents us with a story about how important it is to step aside from the internet and spend time with others; it’s a comedic play offering a fresh look on how to cope with an addiction, and why human interaction is so vital.

Set on the reclusive Isle of Muck, the story follows a set of internet addicts who have arrived (or been sent) to help themselves recover. By prescribing the likes of “small talk” and art therapy classes, we see how the Isle is managed, slowly learning why different residents are present.

Maisie is one of the newest arrivals, and we follow her through her time here: her relationships with the likes of Basil, coming out of her shell, and learning about others on the Isle. It is then that things start to become unsettled, and an underlying threat to the rehabilitation centre arises.

Exploring memes, internet tutorials and Instagram addictions, the script introduces us to the broad array of individuals on the Isle and brings the show its element of comedy. Some one-liners made me giggle and there is no doubt that the audience enjoyed the performance. There’s an interesting dynamic between the characters and we find that many of them have a secret, soon to disrupt the peaceful setting.

With such an interesting concept and the very real issue of modern internet addiction, it is a shame that the storyline felt jumbled. The concept was there, but the underlying stories and interrelationships between characters weren’t as clear as I would have liked. There is a lot happening; some developments are a bit sudden and ill-explained, and for that reason I believe the plot wasn’t as strong as it could have been. Yet there was a good focus on the development of each character, and by the time the play ended, we saw a solid growth from people on the Isle.

The Isle of Muck is a fun and lively show, but whilst the plot line is in-depth it sadly isn’t very well laid-out. Regardless, this is an enjoyable show and definitely has the promise to reach its full potential. Internet addiction is a very popular topic today so to see a comedy from a rehabilitation centre is a fresh insight.